Sunday, December 9, 2012

What am I holding in my hands?


Let's see. It looks like another week of slacking for me. I achieved eight out of eighteen goals. I posted three times on my other blog, worked on my novel for one hour, added to my social networks twice, submitted comments to at least three other blogs and once again spent countless hours marketing my book - or at least thinking about marketing it. And how is that book coming along?

My Book

Yes, here it is in my hot little hands. This is my proof copy and it needed a few corrections - of course. My poor publisher must be so sick and tired of me. I am constantly apologizing for being so picky, and he always patiently answers that there is nothing wrong with striving for perfection. Life Sentence Publishing has been wonderful to work with and I truly cannot say enough good about them.

The publisher has made the latest changes and is once again printing up another book for my approval. I believe that this time we got it right - God seems to be telling me that at least. So, very very soon, the book will be released. That makes it sound like I have been holding it hostage in my basement. I guess I have. Wish my baby luck!


  1. Isn't it one of the most exciting moments to hold a proper book with your name on it in your hands - not much beats it:) well done and all the best for next week and beyond:)

    1. Thanks Alberta. It has been a long road, and I can't say that the journey is over yet, but isn't that the best part of any trip.
