Wednesday, April 29, 2015

plugging away

Probably the most important goal I accomplished this week was making our airline reservations for the wedding in Dallas this summer. I wish I could say I am looking forward to it, but you know how affairs with the in-laws go. They are wonderful people, but I get so tired of the “I don’t care what we do, what do you want to do”.

After my medical assistant conference this past weekend, I also had the arduous task of changing the passwords for 30 email accounts that our state society uses. Not a difficult task, just very time consuming. Somehow I still managed to get a few things done so far this week.

Goals for this week:
• Post to this blog twice, post to my other blog three times. Have posted once on each.
• Read six blog posts, commenting on three of them.  Have only read two and commented on one. Will have to work on that, I guess.
• Write two entries in “Early Ministry”. Nope.  
• Edit two chapters in “Hope”.  Yes! Actually I edited all the material which the author sent me. I have done what I can.
       • Run three times.  Have run twice so far.
·         Make airline reservations for the wedding in Dallas this summer. Yes! As already mentioned. I still have to make the hotel reservations, but we know where we are staying, it is just a matter of picking up the phone. (I should add the goal of making these lines format all the same. I have no idea how this mess happens!)

To help me keep my focus, here are my WRITING GOALS for the ROUND:

·         Finish writing “The Early Ministry of Jesus in 40 Days”
·         Edit seven chapters of “Hope Through God’s Redemption”
·         Submit four items for publication
·         Have worked up to running a full 5K

I’m looking at that list of goals and thinking that they are pretty unattainable at this point. But it is what it is. All I can do is keep plugging away. How are your goals shaping up? 
The road I run down. It doesn't look this long when I am running it. 

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Fairing well

I had a great time at my annual medical assistant conference this weekend. (I just wish someone would offer to take a picture of me so you know I was actually there!) I guess if I didn’t get all my ROW80 goals accomplished, I am not going to beat myself up.

Here is how I faired on my goals this week:

• Submit two poems to a contest, the deadline of which is Wednesday. Accomplished! I even got a confirmation back that they received it.              
·         Post to this blog twice, post to my other blog three times. I accomplished this by the seat of my pants.
•     Read six blog posts, commenting on three of them. Accomplished.
·         Write one entry in “Early Ministry”.  Not.
•     Actually edit one chapter in “Hope”. Not.
•     Run twice. Accomplished.

I guess I did pretty good on those goals, considering my crazy schedule. This week I have nothing extra going on, so I am going to push those goals this time.

Goals for the coming week:
• Post to this blog twice, post to my other blog three times.
• Read six blog posts, commenting on three of them.  
• Write two entries in “Early Ministry”. 
• Edit two chapters in “Hope”.  
• Run three times.
·         Make airline reservations for the wedding in Dallas this summer.

To help me keep my focus, here are my WRITING GOALS for the ROUND:

·         Finish writing “The Early Ministry of Jesus in 40 Days”
·         Edit seven chapters of “Hope Through God’s Redemption”
·         Submit four items for publication
·         Have worked up to running a full 5K

I hope that you are meeting all of your goals!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

wondering where things go

Ok, it's late and I wasn't even going to post a blog tonight. But decided, what the heck. It sure can't hurt to just throw you all a bone and give a quick update.

So far this week, I ran twice (once outside and once in the basement - stinking winter has returned to my neck of the woods), I submitted two poems to the poetry contest for Narrative Matters (they emailed me back that they have received my entry, which always makes me happy, just knowing that at least my work is in their hot little hands), I read five other blog posts and commented on three of them. Hmm? And I guess that is about in on my written goals.

For my non-written goals, the ones I haven't shared here, I spent most of tonight doing stuff for my conference this weekend. There is more I could have done, but printing the 90 page delegates packet and looking at 40 or so passwords for the email accounts I manage was enough for tonight.

Tomorrow, after all, is another day. Maybe I will even sleep in until six. This getting up at five every morning to get stuff done is kind of a drag.

That's it for now. Wish me luck with the rest of my week.
Dino wondering where the rest of the table went. I wonder where things go all the time. 

Sunday, April 19, 2015

more mileage

How did I do on my goals from last week?

•             Post to this blog twice, post to my other blog three times. Accomplished.  
•             Read six blog posts, commenting on three of them. Read seven blogs and commented on three.
•             Write two entries in “Early Ministry”.  Nope.
•             Edit one chapter in “Hope”. I can’t say I actually edited it, but I did format it from the file the author sent me, so I am saying goal accomplished, as I at least did something.  
•             Promote on each of my social media sites. I am still trying to figure out how to accomplish this. I used to be all over all of my social media, but just don’t even know what to post anymore. I think it is more that I got burned out on Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest – or maybe not so much burned out, more like “how did I let myself get sucked into this, now I am just wasting time”. I have been using HootSuite to post all of my blog posts from The Dino Chronicles on each of my social media, but HootSuite changed something (or it could be me) and I’m not able to schedule my posts as easily as I used to.  
•             Submit a piece. Nope.
•             Run three times. Only ran twice. I kind of ran out of time this week. I did walk at least three, maybe four miles, yesterday, up and down stairs to four different waterfalls with the hubby and the dog in tow. That should count for something. The only time I could have run a third time was after getting home from that ride, and I really didn’t think my legs would hold up. Right now I am looking out my window at imminent rain, wandering if I will have to resort to the treadmill today.

Unfortunately, the coming week promises more distractions to prevent me from being productive. I work until seven again on Monday, I have a meeting after work Tuesday from which I won’t get home until close to eight, I leave right after work Thursday for a convention out of town, at which I will get very little done. That leaves Wednesday night. Not much time.

This is still what I hope to get done this week:

      *  Submit two poems to a contest, the deadline of which is Wednesday. I have to do this today! 
*   Post to this blog twice, post to my other blog three times.
*  Read six blog posts, commenting on three of them.
*  Write one entry in “Early Ministry”. 
*  Actually edit one chapter in “Hope”.
*  Run twice.

To help me keep my focus, here are my WRITING GOALS for the ROUND:

·         Finish writing “The Early Ministry of Jesus in 40 Days”
·         Edit seven chapters of “Hope Through God’s Redemption”
·         Submit four items for publication
·         Have worked up to running a full 5K

 And Spring is in the air. There is yard work to do, a trip to Texas this summer to finalize, my daughter’s wedding in August to plan, a trip to Kenya in October to decide on or not. Yep, not much on my calendar! How about yours? 
Some of the stairs we walked up and down yesterday. When the sign says "1/2 mile" but it is all straight down and you need to go back up, I think that counts as more mileage. 

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

ok, here's the excuses

Wednesday still gets here way too soon. I like to spend some time with the hubby on Sunday night, and this particular Sunday the weather was too nice to not spend most of the day outside. Then on Monday, when I don’t get home from work until nearly 7:30 at night, I just can’t get much done. Then a friend of mine that I haven’t heard from in a while called at supper time Tuesday and ruined my whole day – her mom had passed away unexpectedly the end of March. I felt so bad that I didn’t know, that I hadn’t heard, but she lives in another town and how would I have heard. I just think I should have felt a shift in the Force or something, you know?

So here we are with my meager list of accomplishments so far this week.

•             Post to this blog twice, post to my other blog three times. Once here and twice to the Dino Chronicles.
•             Read six blog posts, commenting on three of them. Read five blogs and commented on three.
•             Write two entries in “Early Ministry”.  Nope.
•             Edit one chapter in “Hope”. Nope.
•             Promote on each of my social media sites. This is a dumb goal. I need to pindown what that means.
•             Submit a piece. Nope.
•             Run three times. Ran twice, but my ankle is killing me. I really need to do something about that soon.

The joy of the rest of the week is that I have a meeting at church tonight and a dinner date Thursday night and have to run my sister’s dog back home on Friday. Yikes. Are your goals shaping up as good as mine are? 
Dino on the right and my sister's dog Lady on the left. It has taken them a bit to become friends. Lady is used to being the queen-bee and Dino just wants to be everybody's BFF.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

no excuses week

Here I am, finally ready to jump whole-heartedly into this Round and to get myself back on track. I have stuff going on three nights this coming week, besides dog-sitting for my sister. I am not going to accept any excuses though. I have sat around for long enough – I think it is going on two months. Really? It is time to get off my duff and get something done.

·         Finish writing “The Early Ministry of Jesus in 40 Days” – here is one of those goals that just hangs out there like day-old donuts. (No, I don’t know what that means, it just wanted to be written.) I am going to get back at this though, I really am.  
·         Edit seven chapters of “Hope Through God’s Redemption” – this is the working title I am giving to the manuscript which I am going to fix for that friend-of-a-friend, the memoir I read before Christmas and now have committed myself to working on. It doesn’t just need editing, it needs a makeover. We will see what I can do with it.  
·         Submit four items for publication – I haven’t even submitted three things in the last three months, I don’t know why I felt the need to up this. I think because I have two pieces which I have found markets for, so part of the work is done.
·         Have worked up to running a full 5K Friday I signed up the 5K here in town on the Fourth of July. Right now I am only running a mile (one-third of a 5K) three or four times a week. By the middle of June, I better have worked that up to the total three miles so that I can be working on a better time than when I ran two years ago. Problem is this body is not getting any younger.  

My goals for the coming week:
·         Post to this blog twice, post to my other blog three times.
·         Read six blog posts, commenting on three of them.
·         Write two entries in “Early Ministry”.  
·         Edit one chapter in “Hope”.
·         Promote on each of my social media sites.
·         Submit a piece.
·         Run three times. 

There you have it. How are your goals shaping up for this Round? Are you already having second thoughts and trying to decide where you need to tweek things? 
And if I have too many distractions in my office, I will have to move up on the roof. 
(Picture taken Friday when my daughter and I went bummin'.)

Monday, April 6, 2015

there is only do!

Welcome back to ROW80! I am going to try to stay on track this Round. No, in the immortal words of Yoda, there is no try, there is only do. So I will stay on track this Round.

That said, I haven’t written my goals for the next 80 days. I am leaning towards the same old dusty goals of previous Rounds, but am hoping to interject something new. I believe I have time to formulate that.

How is the second Round of 2015 taking off for you? New goals? Old ones which you just haven’t gotten to yet? We will tackle this together and we will triumph. 
Ok, so this is the only First Place acknowledgement I could find among my personal pictures. What can I say? You get the idea.