Wednesday, May 20, 2015

will i get it all done today?

I usually have off from the day job on Fridays. A few months ago, they scheduled me to be off this Thursday and work Friday instead (yes, the day before Memorial Weekend, and I work Saturday morning as well). Then yesterday a coworker asked me to switch with her so that I am off today and work Thursday. I know this is a lame excuse, but it has kind of thrown me off. I had hoped to be productive last night, but as oftentimes happens, when I know I have the next day off, I get lazy the night before.

Which all means that I haven’t gotten much done on my to-do list yet this week. As I write this, at 5:30 a.m., with the rising sun shining in my office window, there are big plans for a busy day.  From cleaning some cupboards to planting the beans in the garden to getting the oil changed to running/walking three miles, I am going to get it all done.

Hubby just left for work, and the temptation is to go back to bed and try to get some more sleep (I’ve actually been awake since quarter after four and have a load of wash in the machine already!), but instead I am going to go get dressed now and get this day officially started.

Wish me luck! 
All the flowers I bought last week and planted on the weekend. I had to cover them up last night, due to a forecast of frost last night. It got down to 24 degrees! I hope that's the last cold night or planting the veges will have been a mistake. 


  1. Lovely flowers! Hugs on being out of whack due to your day off being different. I go through that to a smaller degree on weekends. There's just too much time. And I get distracted and nothing gets done. Here's hoping you'll be more successful than I am!

    1. I hope the flowers survive another night of frost tonight, then hopefully our nights will warm up. I didn't get everything done on my list, but I did get some other stuff done, so I will call it a wash.

  2. Beautiful flowers. I can't believe you guys are still getting nights that cold, but I have lived in Florida all my life. Hope your day was very productive. Good luck from a ROW80 blog hopping friend.

    1. Here in northern Wisconsin we are just happy when all the snow has melted by the first of May. We never take warm weather for granted. I will continue to work on getting Hubby to move south!

  3. My lack of ambition some days feels EXACTLY like that.

    My flowers seemed to survived the night of cold, but my lilac tree is struggling, but I think the whole tree is struggling as a whole. I think it needs it be trimmed again. I would prefer no more freezing nights, but it is still May. I guess it's bound to happen.

    1. I was just talking to a man who said the frost got his apple blossoms and he thinks his apple crop is ruined for the year. :( At least I don't have that to worry about.

  4. Our June midwife appointment for our son was canceled due to a blizzard which made Craig Pass impassable. Having lived in Montana and Wyoming, New York weather seems tame....

    I'm hoping there's no frost here, tonight, as I didn't cover anything, and now I'm showered and disinclined to go outside.

    I think you might benefit from an I Did It! list on days off, rather than the chains of a to-do!
