Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Get in Shape

I wasn’t going to post an update today, as I don’t have a big update to give, but I decided that – well, that I should post an update anyway.

I edited just a few more chapters on my novel. Have gone through eleven chapters out of 39, so that means I am 28% finished. That sounds better every time I figure out the percentage completed.

Because the weather here is finally nice I have been getting outside as much as the day job allows. I went for a walk through one of our city’s parks with a friend last night and took the pictures posted here.

 Then there’s the crazy thing I am working on – an obstacle course around my yard. I know - I have lost my mind. It is nothing fancy though. I already have the trails through the woods around my house, and because they go up and down a hill, those obstacles are already built in. I just need to place some tires and get a rope up the bank of the steepest hill, set out some sawhorses to scale and I think I’m done. Will take pictures as soon as I have everything in place. I’ll try to draw a map too. I figure it is a more fun way to stay in shape. 

What are doing this spring to get in shape? 


  1. An obstacle course is an awesome idea. I'm working on convincing my employer to get me an adjustable work station so I can spend part of my day standing, instead of 9 hours on my buttocks. They're all for it, but it's been a slow process.

    1. I'm so glad that I don't have to sit on my day job. All of our desks are already high enough to stand at, and even though all my co-workers have stools they sit on, I usually stay on my feet.

  2. Those pictures of today's walk are beautiful. Maybe your check-in is very short BUT look at that progress -- continuing steady forward movement on the writing/editing and real commitment to exercise. Hubby is so much better that we are up to 20-minute walks each day. My own 4-5x a week is down a little, but I'll think of you tomorrow morning at 7am when I go swimming. May your very good week continue!

    1. You certainly get a variety of exercise. Swimming is great, but I just can't do it. I'm not coordinated enough to know when to breathe.

  3. I used to work in a call center. Many hours sitting at a desk. It wasn't unusual to see reps randomly standing, still chained to their desks via their headphones, just to get a break from being sedentary.

    1. That sounds like a horrible work environment. Hopefully, with technology advancements, all those headsets can become unchained so staff can move around at least a little.

  4. I've been using my standing desk, breathwalking, and doing a little weeding. I'm eating more mindfully, and learning.

    Mostly, though, I've been writing.

    Love all of those pictures, but especially the turtles!

    1. Speaking of weeding, I am getting my garden planted this weekend, so the weeding will begin for me soon as well.
