Sunday, July 8, 2018

Joining the Round Late

I believe we are a week into Round 3 of A Round of Words in 80 Days. I lose track pretty easily. I pretty much just try to post every Sunday what I have worked on in the last week and what I hope to accomplish in the coming week. At the beginning of the last Round, I started keeping track of my goals for the full three months instead of week by week. It worked well in some ways, and not so well in others. I guess that is the story of life.

In any event, I am going to try using that process again this time, sticking with many of the same goals, as I need to be getting the same stuff done around here. So without further ado, here are my goals for July, August and September.

1. Finish another edit of my novel, “The Truth Beyond the River.” 
2. Continue tweaking my book proposal / query, as needed for each literary agent I intend to contact next.    
3. Write nine chapters on my next novel, which I am giving the working title of “New Old Spies.”  
4. Write two inspirational pieces for the page-a-day calendar at my work.     
5. Write two posts per week for my other blog, “The Dino Chronicles”.
1. Send proposals / queries to the next agents on my list.  
2. Submit the two inspirational pieces to my work calendar.  
3. Promote myself or a piece of my writing (whether it be promoting one of my books, submitting a piece somewhere, saying something brilliant about my writing on my social media, etc.) once a week.

1. Read the daily assignment in “Today’s Light” Study Bible.
2. Read the daily devotion in “Jesus Calling”.
3. Read five other people’s blog posts per week.   
4. Finish reading three books. 

1. Physical
a. Increase my water intake, averaging 60 ounces per day.
b. Lose five pounds and three inches around my waist. 
c. Exercise four mornings a week and three evenings a week.
2. Home fires
a. Scan 100 of my mom’s pictures.
b. Wash all of my house’s windows. 
c. Do a major cleaning of one of my closets.  
d. Host my brother-in-law’s wedding at my house on August 4.   
a. Write the Policy and Procedure manual.
b. Host two merchandise sales.  
c. Do a thorough inventory of our current merchandise.
d. Apply for grants.
e. Raise enough money ($5,000) to start the first segment of the community center.

I have a lot coming up in the next three months. I didn’t mention that I also have a writers conference in September. Am looking forward to that and hoping it allows me lots of time to write and offers me some good tips as well as inspiration.

I did paint my bathroom walls yesterday and washed my bedroom windows, so I have a jump on at least a few things. I have a lot to do around the house before that wedding in August, luckily Hubby has more to do and the time to do it.

My backyard, where we plan on having the wedding. This was taken four years ago, on August 3, so about the same time the wedding will be. I wish the flowers would be in bloom, but it's still pretty back there. Praying for decent weather. 


  1. Maybe a few potted plants will make that lovely corner of your garden even more festive? Thanks, as always, for sharing your goals. I see an ambitious list but nicely specific, lots of energy, and so we begin another round, full of hope.

  2. Welcome, Chris!

    I'm posting on Patreon this round, as an experiment.

    Happy to see you back, and hope the wedding brings more joy than stress!
