Friday, December 16, 2022

Meet Agent Ellen Jenkins

 Last Friday’s post introduced you to Emma Thomas, one of the protagonists in my latest novel, “Prior to Now”. Though Emma was born in 1838, the other two main characters in the book get to know her quite well. Today, you get to meet Ellen Jenkins, who was born around 1970. How did she become so close to Emma?

“I don’t believe it.” Michael leaned against the cement wall, arms crossed over his chest.

“I don’t either, but let’s wait for the other two.” Ellen looked towards the east end of the tunnel. They would each come to the meeting place from a different direction. The skills they had learned in training came in handy not only in avoiding detection from the enemy but also from their superiors. They’d been meeting in this abandoned tunnel a few blocks from headquarters for years.  

“So, the Rent-A-Spy-Agency has joined the ranks of fascism,” Sam opened with when he entered the tunnel a few minutes later.


“Let’s not start until Kimberly gets here.” Ellen watched the tunnel entrance from the west. The fourth member of their team, Kimberly, was always the last to join them, her route being the most circuitous. If anyone could avoid detection, it was the one on the team who was the most paranoid, the one they worried could crack at any time. But over the years, Kimberly had repeatedly proven that she could grit her teeth and do anything asked of her. Except this, Ellen thought to herself. 

“I don’t think she’s coming. I think this has her so freaked out that she has up and left the agency for good, probably left the country already.”

“Sam, we just left her at the office ten minutes ago.”

“We can’t –” Ellen began, but Michael cut her off.

“Here she comes.”

The shortest member of the team entered the tunnel and marched to where they stood. “Not doin’ it.”

“I think we’ve all agreed on that already.”

(From Chapter 2)

What has their employer asked these four agents to do? What is the real name of the Rent-A-Spy-Agency? Why is Kimberly so troubled? And is Ellen troubled as well? When will she learn about Emma, and what could they possibly have in common?

The e-version of “Prior to Now” is on sale on now. Hopefully, by early next week, the paperback version will be available as well. And by the first of the year, I’ll have copies of it in my hot little hands for you to buy directly from me. I’ll keep you posted.

Have a great weekend. Love, Chris 

I never mention any of the actual locations where this book takes place. But this picture is taken in the city where I imagine the team's headquarters could be. Can you guess where it is? 

Here's the link to the book:

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