Friday, January 12, 2024

And here is the latest book


 Once again, it has been way too long since I posted anything to this blog. And I even have something to say this time!

As you may know, if you follow me on social media, I finally published my latest book, a devotional / memoir about pain. "Bones, and Stones, and Pain, Oh, My" is available on as a paperback or an e-book. I am also ordering some to sell directly; I'll let you know when they arrive.

The topic of pain sounds like a real downer. Why would anyone want to read this?

Quite simply, each of the forty-one entries is meant to give you hope and lift you from whatever emotional or physical pain you might be in. Hopefully, you even get a chuckle out of some of the entries. I can find humor in some of the most non-humorous situations. I am not sure if that's a blessing or a curse.

But here is one blessing – the back pain that assaulted me in April of last year and then morphed into chronic pain practically all over my body has started to ease. I really wanted to wait and publish the book after the pain was all gone so I could end with a devotion about how faithful God is, and how He answers our every prayer, and how He answered mine.

Here's the thing. God did answer my prayer. He answered it in His way, and I'm thankful that each day, I wake up and can get out of bed, no matter how much pain I might still be in. I can still get out of bed! Do you know how many people worldwide can't get out of bed? Or don't have a bed to get out of!  

Anyway, so this book is set up as a forty-day devotional, with an additional devotion at the end to sum up. But it is also a memoir, as each entry was written from my own experiences. Over the past twenty years, I wrote about each of those incidents on my other blog, The Dino Chronicles.

So that's a little background. Check it out online by clicking here, or keep watching this blog for more tidbits from the book.

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