Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Is this a success or a fail?

I am on vacation from my real job this week. I had high hopes to get so much done, not only writing a couple thousand words on my novel, but also getting all of my closets and cupboards cleaned. It's Wednesday already, half-way through the week, and this morning, I wasn't feeling like it was going to be a productive week at all.

A few things happened today. I did clean some drawers and cupboards in the kitchen, but I still can't find the dining room table for all the stuff I put on it yesterday in my cleaning frenzy. Is it ok to clean one space at the expensive of totaling another?

Then this morning, while I was checking e-mail, I spied one from the reporter at our local newspaper. He had written an article about the trip Val and I took to Africa six years ago and I had asked him a few weeks ago if he would interview me about the book about the trip. We just haven't connected on a time, but it just so happened we were both free this afternoon.

Interview went well and within the next week or two, my book will be gracing the pages of the TomahawkLeader.

While I was setting up the interview, still perusing my email, I noticed one from a writer friend of mine. Her book on Social Anxiety Disorder came out shortly before mine, and she wanted some book marketing advice from me. I was completely blown away and incredibly honored.

I have my book signing coming up this weekend. I am being cautiously optimistic about it. I am sure that there won’t be lines of people, but if I sell a few books or even get the word out about it, it all helps. I also got an e-mail from a friend asking me to speak for her women’s group in February.

And lastly, I have five 5-star reviews of my book on

Ok, so has this week been a success or a fail? I’m leaning towards success. 


  1. Yup, sounds successful to me! *applause with Kermit dance*

    1. Thanks, Kathy, I like the Kermit dance almost as much as the Snoopy dance.
