Sunday, January 24, 2016

A New Project this Week

First of all, this is where I ended up for the week. Kind of.

1) Write 2,000 words on the second memoir – close, 1,884 words
2) Type 2,000 words on “No Body Found” - none
3) Blog twice here and three times on the Dino Chroniclesyes
4) Promote my books on social media two times - yes
5) Update the Gofundme campaign for the nonprofit’s trip to Kenya in the spring - yes
6) Update the nonprofit’s websiteyes, but I need to stop taking credit for this, as my daughter is doing all the work and I am just giving her my input
7) Send out ten letters to prospective donors for our trip in the spring - yes
8) Walk/run on the treadmill three days for 20 minutes each time – yes  

I say “kind of”, because it just doesn’t feel like I even came close to my goals last week.

I powered through work on my memoir last night, and have hit the wall with it. Everything I have so far was taken from the journal I kept when I was in Kenya in 2013. After writing my day’s adventures in my paper journal, I would type it up on the laptop at night. Until the last few days, when I slacked off on the typing, figuring I would catch up when I got home. Until my paper journal was stolen the last day there. I have that whole escapade written down, as though there would be any detail of that day which I would forget, but I still have lost two entire days. I remember some of what we did those two days, but not enough to explain 48 hours. So I might leave that chapter or two blank for now and move on.

Except that I have a new project which needs to consume me this week.

Next Sunday I am doing a powerpoint presentation at church, and though I have it ready, I should still practice as well as get my Kenyan crafts inventoried once again so I can sell them after my talk. Then twice in February I am giving a revised talk to health care professionals. Because this talk has been approved for one CEU by the AAMA, the presentation needs to show the effects of poverty on people living in America and not just in Kenya. For the presentation the end of February, Denise is joining me and we are talking for a full two hours, so I am going to her house this Friday to try to finalize it. Which means I need to put it together this week. And that will be enough for the week, I think.

So this is how my goals look:

1) Practice my presentation for church
2) Put together my power-point presentation for the medical people
3) Blog twice here and three times on the Dino Chronicles
4) Promote my books on social media once  
5) Update the Gofundme campaign for the nonprofit’s trip to Kenya in the spring
6) Send out ten e-letters to prospective donors for our trip in the spring
7) Walk/run on the treadmill three days for 20 minutes each time   
My talk at my clinic after I was in Kenya in 2013. 


  1. Next week is very full and exciting - I think the ability to talk to others and open their minds is an enviable talent - as to this last week what was wrong with those results - I do feel for you losing that journal, but if you leave it alone for awhile as you say then those missing hours may well come back - the brain works hard in the background if allowed:) all the best with this week

    1. I don't know when I talk in front of people, if I am opening their minds or not. My goal is usually to keep them awake. At my last talk, in December, one of the doctors in the audience kept nodding off. So, I just have to top that performance!

  2. I'm sorry to hear that your journal was stolen. :(

    Good luck with both presentations.

    1. Having my journal stolen was nothing compared to my daughter having her wallet stolen by the same kids. I can't tell you more than that, you will have to wait for the book to come out!

  3. Looks like you met most of your goals for the week. Good luck this week.
