Sunday, January 31, 2016

Chipping Away

Wow, last day of January and we are not having our typical winter weather. It was in the 30’s yesterday and drizzling. Supposed to get some snow today. We will see.

I am on my way to church to do my presentation of my trip to Kenya last fall. I thought about posting this after I got home and letting you know how it went, but this way I will have something to share on Wednesday’s check-in, right?

Last week’s goals were:  

1) Practice my presentation for church – done, and if not, too late now anyway
2) Put together my power-point presentation for the medical people – done, pretty much
3) Blog twice here and three times on the Dino Chronicles - done
4) Promote my books on social media once – nope, not at all 
5) Update the Gofundme campaign for the nonprofit’s trip to Kenya in the spring – nope, am running out of updates to make, or at least worried that I am boring potential donors. Will work of this maybe later today
6) Send out ten e-letters to prospective donors for our trip in the spring – yes, and I think it was more than ten, actually, and I have received donations from three, with promises from two more
7) Walk/run on the treadmill three times for 20 minutes each day - done

So what do I need to get done in the coming week:

1) Continue to work on my power-point presentation for the medical people
2) Write 1,000 words on the second memoir
3) Blog twice here and three times on the Dino Chronicles
4) Promote my books on social media once (I keep thinking I should give up on this, but just don’t think I should)
5) Update the Gofundme campaign for the nonprofit’s trip to Kenya in the spring
6) Send out five letters or e-letters to prospective donors for our trip in thespring (I am starting to run out of people!)
7) Walk/run on the treadmill three times for 20 minutes each day
8) Get serious about watching what I eat

Ever since Christmas, I have been telling myself that I need to quit eating all the chocolate and other sweets, and then yesterday, all I had for lunch was chocolate covered peanuts. Argh! I really need to get serious and lose that five pounds which found me in the last few months.

Other than, not much new with the goals. I will keep chipping away.
At the "Concrete Park" in Phillips, coz it was the first picture that I grabbed. 


  1. Hugs on the sweets. I've been trying to pare down for a long time, and it never seems to stick. I am just too addicted. Although I have a rule now that may help you. One sweet/chocolate thing a day. At least then you get a taste and hopefully satisfy the craving but it's more controlled that way.

    Nice progress on your goals.

    1. Only problem is that one piece of chocolate turns into eating the entire bag!

  2. never works for me 1 a day just feed the addiction I have to finish what ever's in the house then not buy anymore:) You have done well last week all best for this coming one:)

    1. Problem is that my hubby - who has willpower - is always bringing more sweets into the house!

  3. Thanks. Sometimes it's tough. Hugs.

  4. You're doing great, Chris. I always enjoy popping by and seeing how things are going. Have a fantastic day and an amazing, blessing-filled week.
