Sunday, January 10, 2021

Ten Days into the New Year

   My first blog post here this year offered a long list of ambitious goals for this year. What was I thinking? I was thinking that – you know – this year is going to be better than last. How’s that working out for the rest of you so far? Me? Not so much.

But you know what? We are going to power through this. Let me start by paring down that big ol’ list into a weekly attainable plan

A. Writing

1. My novel, “Rewrite the Now”.

a. Re-read what I’ve written so far, as it has been a while since I’ve looked at it.   

            2. Other writing.

                        a. Write an entry in my Covert Corona Chronicles.

                        b. Write three posts on my other blog, “The Dino Chronicles”.

                        c. Write a weekly update on this blog.

B. Reaching

            1. Research markets to submit short pieces or poetry to.  

C. Reading

1. Read four blog posts by other people.  

2. Read eight chapters in the book of Genesis. I finally looked this up. There are 1,189 chapters in the Bible, but let’s round it up to 1,200. It took me three years to read through the whole thing last time, so I’m sticking with that three year goal, which comes down to 156 weeks, right? Or again, let’s round up to 160. That all comes down to 7.5 (or rounding up again, 8) chapters a week. How hard could that be? A chapter a day and an extra one on Sundays, right?

3. Read a daily devotion.

4. Finish the novel I’m currently reading, “Afraid of the Light” by Cynthia Ruchti. I’m just over half-way done with it, so I might be able to make it.

D. Remaining

            1. Sewing.

a. Finish the next sweatshirt throw. I’ve finished four of them so far and am halfway done with the fifth one.

2. Clean and purge.

a. Clean one kitchen cupboard. I don’t want to get too crazy cleaning just yet.

b. Take a load of stuff to Goodwill. There are three boxes waiting in the basement already.  

            3. Remaining house.

                        a. Call our contractor about our home repair projects.  

            4. Family tree

a. Work on my family tree one night.

b. Oh and then there are the pictures! I didn’t mention in my long-year long list that I need to scan and dispose of old family pictures. Argh!  

There it is. A short, sweet list for the week. I also get my first COVID vaccine on Friday. Oh, yea! One of the perks of being a health care worker. I’m truly not excited about it and rather not get it, but if this sacrifice means we are all closer to getting rid of the masks and going back to hugging each other, I am on it.

Have a great week, stay safe, stay healthy, and mostly – stay sane! Chris

Second sweatshirt throw that I finished. Side note, in case I never shared this, when we cleaned out my mother-in-law's, we brought home 76 of her old sweatshirts (since then Hubby has found even more and I made him promise to never bring them home). I've started sewing them into throws for her sons and grandchildren. All the shirts are cut into squares now, I just have to finish putting the rest of them together. 

1 comment:

  1. I understand you would feel like a long list was manageable. Every time a new year begins, I get the feeling I can do everything I wasn't able to the year before!

    So congratulations on realizing it was too much and adapting!
