Sunday, January 24, 2021

My Average Goes Up

 I appear to have had a pretty good week. Nothing too exciting, no extra activities, only an eye doctor appointment which went well.

A. Writing

1. My novel, “Rewrite the Now”.

a. Re-read what I’ve written so far, as it has been a while since I’ve looked at it. Finally started reading it, but only got through chapter 13, or 66 out of 99 pages. 66% 

            2. Other writing.

                        a. Write an entry in my Covert Corona Chronicles. Yes. 100%

                        b. Write three posts on my other blog, “The Dino Chronicles”. Yes.                            100%

c. Write a weekly update on this blog. Yes. 100%

B. Reaching

1. Submit that poem to “Voices on the Wind.Yes, I did. I’ve submitted poems to this journal in the past and the wonderful thing is you always hear back within a couple days. Sooo, yes, it was accepted and will be in the February issue. Yeah! 100%

C. Reading

1. Read four blog posts by other people. I think so. 99%

2. Read eight chapters in the book of Genesis. Read six chapters. 75%

3. Read a daily devotion. I once again forgot quite a bit. It’s one of those things which I have to figure out how to add to my routine so I can’t forget; like the devotional has to be in the middle of the kitchen floor so I trip on it three times a day. We did order a new book of devotions, which came in the mail yesterday, so maybe just that newness will help me remember. 70%

4. Pick another novel to read and read 20% of it. I started reading “Then There Were None" by Agatha Christie and have read 23%. 115%. (I am really starting to embrace this percentage tracking.)

D. Remaining

            1. Sewing.

a. Finish the sixth sweatshirt throw. Done. 100%

2. Clean and purge.

a. Clean one kitchen cupboard. Done. 100%

b. Clean out one drawer in my office file cabinet. Wow. Totally forgot about this, but I did clean out my underwear drawer . . . E for effort. 80%   

            3. Remaining house.

a. Call our contractor about our home repair projects. No. Was waiting to get that cupboard cleaned, I guess. 0%

            4. Family tree

a. Work on my family tree one night. Hmm? Just for a few minutes.                     31%

b. Scan twenty old family pictures. Yes. Scanned like 32. 100%

There it is. If I average that, it comes out to 75%.  Which is a tick better than last week, so assigning each goal a numerical value and averaging it out, I think is a success as far as meeting my goals.

 This coming week, I need to cut back a bit. I have a trip planned for out of town to visit an old friend. Of course, with the pandemic, nothing is set in stone. Plus it is winter here in the upper Midwest, so there is always that as well. I’m keeping my fingers crossed, though, that this works out.  

 A. Writing

1. My novel, “Rewrite the Now”.

a. Finish re-reading it.    

            2. Other writing.

                        a. Write an entry in my Covert Corona Chronicles.

                        b. Write three posts on my other blog, “The Dino Chronicles”.

c. Write a weekly update on this blog.

B. Reaching – no plans for this week.              

C. Reading

1. Read four blog posts by other people. 

2. Read eight chapters in the book of Genesis.

3. Read a daily devotion.

4. Read up to 75% of “And Then There Were None”.

D. Remaining

            1. Sewing – not this week.

2. Clean and purge.

a. Clean out one drawer in my office file cabinet. The one I’m thinking of has a ton of papers that are now completely irrelevant.  

            3. Remaining house.

                        a. Call our contractor about our home repair projects. 

            4. Family tree

a. Work on my family tree one night.

            5. Drive to my friend’s, have a nice visit and drive back, safe and sound.

 Looks like it should be an easy week. We’ll see. Have a great week, stay safe, stay healthy, stay sane! Chris

Throw number 6

Old picture of a sunset. Sometimes those old pics scan well and sometimes they look - surreal. Sometimes that works, sometimes not. 

Had to add one of my son's senior portraits from 2004. He was a handsome boy at one time . . . not sure what happened . . .