Sunday, April 11, 2021

Long Overdue Update

   Yes, it has been a very long time since I posted anything here. Since I originally started this blog to chronicle my writing, I've not shared anything here because there is nothing to share.

As with most people, the past fifteen months or so have been brutal. The pandemic has changed so many things for so many, and on top of that, there are the usual pains of life in general. Most of those around me realize I've fallen into a bit of a funk. Two months ago, I finally gave in and started on an anti-depressant. They seem to be helping; I'm even sleeping well most nights, but still, life goes on, and no pill creates miracles.

Even though I haven't been writing anything except twice weekly to my other blog, The Dino Chronicles, I have been busy with so many other things. Working on both my family tree and my husband's. Researching potential places to vacation. Logging all the best campsites at all the state and county parks in my state. Planning actual trips – four so far between now and July. Oh, and hoping to make that trip to Cambodia this fall.

But most happily, yesterday, we brought home Carlton, the camping trailer we purchased in December but left in storage until now.

I talked to a friend last week, and she said she noticed I wasn't posting to The Dino Chronicles as much and that she missed reading my updates. It was nice to hear that someone had noticed, and I'm trying to keep her words ringing in my ears to inspire me to get back at my novel. Then I see all that is coming up – yard work, trips, summer deep cleaning in the house. And there are still sewing projects I want to tackle.

I've given up on retiring within the next year. Right now, hoping for June of 2022. And so the list of things I want to do continues to grow, and the time to do those things keeps getting pushed out. I guess I'll have to keep taking those anti-depressants.

Sending you all love and virtual hugs. Chris  


  1. Keep taking the meds. They have been a wonder in my life.

    1. Thanks, Linda. I've been on them before and it's nice to feel human again.
