Thursday, April 20, 2023

Very Late April Goals

 I have completely fallen apart on making and keeping goals. Holy Cow! It’s been six weeks since I posted any goals here.

Not that I haven’t been making goals. I have an old tablet sitting next to my laptop in my office where I handwrite my goals for each week. I can’t believe that I gave up on typing them into a file on the computer, because I keep track of everything else there.

But I digress. (I feel the word “digress” is not used nearly enough in the English language, but not enough that I feel I should incorporate it into a goal. This week I will use the word “digress” in a dialogue twice and in my writing once.)

So really, I should wait one more week, I suppose, and start off the month of May with a list of goals. But, nah, it’s been too long already.

Goals for April 21 through May 26 (chosen because May 26 is my last and final day of work in healthcare; it has sucked the life out of me for long enough.):


1)     Publish my Covid Chronicles. I started that journal a month or so into the pandemic three years ago. It never was written to be published, but when I reread it a few months ago, I was like, “Wow, this woman has some psychological damage from this pandemic. Maybe others should read her story so they don’t feel like they are so crazy.”

2)     Get back to work on my next novel in the Ice Cream Spies series. I was 14 chapters into writing it back in 2020 when life hit me and then the idea for the next book in the “Spies” series insisted on  being written first.


1)     Promote that latest novel, “Prior to Now” on social media once a week.

2)     Attend vendor sale with my books next Saturday.

3)     Research other vendor sales. Sign up for one.

4)     Sew five more book bags, which I sell with my books at sales.


1)     Read two books. Last night, I finished reading, “The Ghost and Mrs. Muir.” It was cute and different, but predictable. Not sure what I’ll pick up next.

2)     Read and study five chapters in the Book of Acts for the Bible study group I can’t attend because of work, but I want to keep up anyway.

Retiring (yeah, the new subtitle and most exciting one):

1)     Take the camper out of storage on May 2 and get it ready for summer camping.

2)     Research our trip to Seattle this summer.

3)     Research my trip to Cambodia in the fall (I’m so over the top excited about that one!).

4)     And the most depressing goal – figure out what I’m going to do for insurance once I quit work.

Ranching (okay, you know I don’t have a ranch, right? But I wanted to stick with the “R” theme and ranch was all I came up with for the house and yard):

1)     Start cleaning closets in the house, not quite sure which ones, yet, but I’ll dive into one of them.

2)     Hopefully, the snow will be gone and the ground warm enough by mid-May to at least start prepping the garden and getting some flowers planted.

I think that should about do it for the next five weeks. Five weeks! Holy cow!

Click the link to buy my latest book on line. Or to write that review you've been putting off. 

Some of the many book bags I've been sewing, each just big enough to fit one or two of my books. 

Can't wait to bring the camper home again from winter storage. Just hoping the snow melts by then. 

Deer in my yard on April 6. And we had 12 inches of snow ten days after I took this picture. No, I don't think it will ever melt. 


  1. nice list of goals - lovely bags and I envy you the plans for travel:)

  2. Replies
    1. I've wanted to go to Cambodia since I learned about Angor Wat when I was in 6th grade.There are so many beautiful and historic sites throughout the country. My friend and I are going on a cultural immersion trip for two weeks to see it all.

  3. Oooh, Cambodia is definitely on my bucket list too.

    That's a lovely set of goals (and really nifty bags!). I liked the R-theme too. Nice when we can make our obsessive busyness a bit playful, ain't it? ;-)

  4. And yes, I added this post to our Round 2 goals linky.
