Sunday, February 9, 2020

when things get turned upside down

My very busy week that I had scheduled last week got turned completely upside down. That cold that I was starting to come down with on Sunday made my life miserable all week. I did my biennial CPR at work on Monday and between that and the virus in my head, I called in sick on Tuesday. By afternoon, I felt human enough to work on a few things on my to-do list.

Hubby's arm fracture and my artwork of how it was repaired. 
Then on Wednesday, Hubby broke his arm, so we went to the orthopedic surgeon in the afternoon and I had to take all day off Friday while he had surgery. Because I thought I shouldn’t leave him alone too much, I skipped the seminar on Saturday. And today we were getting a bunch of snow so I canceled on my daughter as well.

Basically, I stayed home pretty much as much as I possibly could all week. You would think I would have gotten even more accomplished on this list.

So, here are those goals from this past week. Green highlight is goal accomplished, yellow highlight is worked on and red lettering is a failure.

1)        Start editing “Finding Justice”, if I’m going to self-publish it on Amazon, any time soon.  Started and finished.   
2)        Post three times to “The Dino Chronicles.” Done.  
3)        Post here once. Done.

1)        Research self-publishing “Finding Justice” on Amazon. Not.
2)        Design a cover for “Finding Justice.” After reading it through again, I see that the pictures I picked out might not work, so I am back to square one.
3)        Write a “thank you” section for the end of “The Truth Beyond the River”. Not.
4)        Contact one place where I might give a presentation and hold a book signing. Done. Back in October, I gave a talk at a women’s rally and the pastor at that church mentioned that he thought his congregations (he has two churches) would like to hear my stories about Kenya. I finally got around to emailing him to see if he was still interested.
BONUS on top of that: my niece’s daughter messaged me that they are studying Africa in one of her classes, and when she told her teacher I had been there several times, he asked if I would give a presentation. I got that scheduled for February 21. 

1)              Read 20% of the novel I just started, “In This House of Brede”. I got through 37%. I had a couple hours in that hospital waiting room during Hubby’s surgery to either read or watch whatever talk show was on the TV (not).
2)        Read five other blogs and comment on three of them.  Read four and commented on two. So close.

There was a mess on the floor. 
1)              Attend that work seminar on Saturday. Did not, as mentioned above. I did however . . .
2)              Clean the bookcases in my office. Did that on Tuesday, between naps, when I was home sick.

 Right now I don’t think I have anything extra going on this week, so hopefully I can get some more done.  

1)              Read through “Finding Justice” one more time.  
2)              Read through my novel-in-progress, “Ice Cream Spies”, in anticipation of getting back to writing on it.    
3)        Post three times to “The Dino Chronicles.
4)        Post here once. 

1)        Research self-publishing “Finding Justice” on Amazon.
2)        Design a cover for “Finding Justice.”
3)        Write a “thank you” section for the end of “The Truth Beyond the River”.
4)        Work on presentation for my niece’s class.

1)        Read 60% of the novel I’ve been reading, “In This House of Brede”. I can’t say that it’s difficult reading, just tedious. Pretty much all dialogue and keeps jumping from present to recent past. Kind of like a typical “classic” novel.
2)        Read five other blogs and comment on three of them. 

1)              Scan and dispose of pictures from yet another old photo album.
2)              Clean the file cabinet and desk drawers in my office.
3)              Wash the walls in the spare bedroom. Hubby was going to wash the walls throughout the house this winter, but with his arm in a sling for the next six weeks, I think that’s out of the question. I just need to suck it up and start it myself.

I think that’s enough. Hopefully, your week has stayed a bit more on track.


  1. Well... my week involved a chicken massacre at a home where I was pet-tending, broken arms, but things still went awry.

    I hop your hubby's arm heals well, and that things settle into a calmer space for you soon!

    You still managed some good progress, so hurray for that!

    1. Sorry about the chicken issues. Hope things have settled down for you.

  2. I see it's been 9ne of those weeks... So sorry about your husband's arm. I hope he gets better soon and you recover fully from the cold you caught.

    1. Hubby is doing pretty good - just going stir-crazy from not being busy enough. I'm sure he'll find something to do.
