Sunday, August 23, 2020

Getting Back to It

It hasn’t been by leaps and bounds, but I have started getting back at it. I’m realizing, once again, that this writing thing may always be just a hobby. Sure, I write a book and publish it, never coming out ahead financially, but if I enjoy doing it, why not continue moving along.

Here are my goals from last week and whether or not I was successful with them. Green highlight is goal accomplished, yellow highlight is worked on and red lettering is a failure.

      1)    My novel, “The Truth Beyond the River”.
a.     Blog about it again on Friday. Done.
b.     Marketing. I feel I’ve done all the marketing I can, but I’ll keep thinking on it. I won’t give up on it. Umm, surely I did some marketing. . . .
     2)    My newest novel, “Save Our School” (working title only, and a dumb one).
a.     Write three chapters. Wrote two chapters and 2,436 words.
b.     Do another night of research. Not really, but I did start reading “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”, as my book begins in that same time period.
     3)    Other writing.
a.     Post about the last day of our camping trip on my other blog. Done.
b.     Finish redoing my website. Worked on it, but not finished yet.
     4)    Other stuff.
a.     Finish washing the last of the windows in my house. Yes, done. What a chore that is.
b.     Go out to my mom’s property. Nope, didn’t make it.
c.      Spend lots of time playing with the kittens, especially acclimating them to our old cat and the dog. Yes, of course.  

The best news of all, though, is that just as I came back in my office to start finishing this, I looked out and saw my big ol’ doe going through the backyard. I haven’t seen her in a few months. I wasn’t worried about her; there’s enough in the woods to eat. But I did miss her and the last time I had seen her, she spent an hour in the shade of our pine tree. I hadn’t seen her fawn all spring (Hubby saw it once.), so I was sure the fawn had met its demise. But there he was, following Mama along the trail. Sorry the pictures aren’t the greatest; it was starting to get dark in the trees. I’m so happy to see them!

 And what about the coming week? My brother-in-law and his wife are coming up later in the week to stay for a few days. That will be so nice, as they haven’t been here since Christmas, due to COVID19 and we’ve missed getting together. It may put a damper on some of my progress, but it will be well worth it.

1)    My novel, “The Truth Beyond the River.
a.     Post a blog about it once this week.
b.     Market it in some way.
2)    My newest novel.
a.     First, I need to think hard about a better title, even if it is still a working title, it has to be better than “Save Our School”.
b.     Write three chapters.
c.      Do an evening of research for it.
3)    Other writing.
a.     Finish updating my website.
b.     Write two posts on my other blog, “The Dino Chronicles”.
4)    Other stuff.
a.     Continue working on getting the kittens to be friends with the dog and our old cat.
b.     Take our company somewhere, showing them some of the sites around our town.
c.      Go out to my mom’s property.

That sounds like enough. Summer is definitely winding down. As much as I like the Fall, I hate it because it means that Winter is coming next. Uck! But it can’t be worse than the eight months of 2020 we have slogged through already.

Have a great week.  Chris

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