Friday, August 14, 2020

The Truth Beyond Beth

“Don’t,” Beth hissed, as the two officers reached for the gun on the table. “We told you no weapons. This is your fault.”
“Our fault?” Bradley jeered back.
“Children, please.” Brother Andrew fought to regain the peace. “Please, everyone, sit down.” His two partners and the two women obeyed, but Ed and the officers remained standing, glowering at each other. “Let’s take a moment to just relax, take a few breaths, say a prayer.”
“You and your prayers. That’s what started this.” Ed blurted out.
“Ed, stop,” Beth laid a hand on his arm. “The old monk is just trying to help us.”
Andrew tried not to smile at her words of endearment. “Beth, young lady, can you tell us what that was all about?”
She swallowed and straightened in her chair. “Ever since Tommy got back from Vietnam, sudden noises freak him out. He heard the bird in the rafters and his instincts took over. He’s not the only one. I know other men who came back from the war jumpy too.”
“It’s called shell shock.” Andrew had heard of it before and knew that the psychiatric community was just beginning to study it in earnest. “It’s not his fault.”
Her face was emotionless, but her jaw was set. She had to be in just as much pain as Tommy was.
“You should go to him. Make sure he’s okay,” Andrew told her. “We’ll try to negotiate another day.”

I’ve been telling you about the various characters in my latest novel, The Truth Beyond the River”. The inspiration for this strong woman was easy. Hands down, Beth is modeled after my sister Pat.
Sorry this old photo didn't scan so well, but this is Pat with a rare serious look,
dressed as Beth would have been. 

Beth is tough as nails, doesn’t take crap from anyone, is smart and relentless. But for all her determination, she still has a soft side and cares deeply for the children around her as well as for the cause they are all fighting for.

Cecil studied Beth’s face. She seemed so strong, so invincible. But what a heavy weight she must be carrying inside of her, being the diplomatic one compared to Tommy’s dictatorship. Cecil wondered what their relationship was but knew it was none of his business. Of all the people he had encountered in the last few days, even including the reporter, Beth was the one who stole his heart.

My sister Pat, too, had the admiration of pretty much anyone who knew her well. She fought a tremendous battle as well. And like Beth’s battle, it wasn’t won in the way anyone had hoped for. But I think the noblest fights are won the way God wanted them to be. 
Still, without a doubt, my very favorite picture of Pat. 

 If you’ve already purchased a copy of the book, thank you from the bottom of my heart. If not, click here to get yours. Also, last time I looked, I only had one review. Why don’t you add yours as soon as you finish the book so you don’t forget. Thanks again and have a great weekend.

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