Friday, January 10, 2025

what is wrong with me?

How is it possible that I haven’t posted here in six months! What have I been doing, and what is wrong with me? And why haven’t I written a word on my latest novel in eighteen months?

First, I have had total writer’s block regarding that novel. My heroes are all sitting in their rooms staring at the walls, not doing a thing, so I have nothing to write about them. I nudge them, and they just look at me blankly, like, “You put us here, you get us out.” Oh, well, I’ll have to do more than nudge, I guess.

As you probably know, the other big thing is that I finally took my dream trip to Cambodia. I am still writing about it on my other blog. It was such a wonderful trip; I saw so much and did so much. Oh, how I would love to go back!

Instead, however, my friend and I booked our next trip – this time to the Czech Republic. So, the planner in me has been looking up all kinds of stuff about that area of the world, and I anticipate spending much more time over the next eight months researching even more. And, of course, organizing all those facts.

Other than that, not much new. I hope you had a good holiday season and that you, too, are looking forward to a new year full of adventure and happy news.