Tuesday, February 25, 2025

standing up for ourselves

 I used to post on this blog twice a week. Over time, that goal fell way off the charts. On the first of this year, I committed to posting once a month, but I still struggle with that. Writer’s block continues to plague me like acne on a seventh grader.

But that doesn’t mean the thoughts aren’t still roaming around in my head.

This morning, I posted a political rant on my other blog. I may regret it, but sometimes we have to speak our minds. This reminded me of the protagonists in my last novel, “Prior to Now.” 

Three ordinary women, Emma, Ellen, and Sarah, stand up for what they believe in and fight an uphill battle against forces of evil – and realize that sometimes those forces are their own United States government.

“I don’t think Kimberly’s coming. I think this has her so freaked out that she has left RASA for good, probably left the country already.”

“Sam, we just left her at the office ten minutes ago.”

“We can’t –” Ellen began, but Michael cut her off.

“Here she comes.”

The shortest member of the team entered the tunnel and marched to where they stood. “Not doin’ it.”

“I think we’ve all agreed on that already.”

“What about the other agents? Anybody get a feel for what they think?” Ellen asked.

“I think most of them will get on board,” Michael answered. “I’m not sure if they’re all 100% in agreement with this mission, maybe a few teams will bail, but I think most have at least one member who will push the rest of them into it.”

“So, what do we do?” Ellen hadn’t usually taken the lead in decisions the team made, but on this, she was passionate. She would not work on this assignment. 

Sam took a deep breath. “Well, I propose we act like we are jumping in full force, and instead, when we get to each location, we do the exact opposite of what the Feds want.”

He presented his closed fist to the center of the group. Each of them did likewise until their fists were touching in the middle.

“One for all,” he began.

They finished the chorus, “And all for one.” 

If you haven’t read “Prior to Now” yet, now might be the time. Now might also be the time to see how little it can take to stand up for your rights, but how vital it can be.

Friday, January 10, 2025

what is wrong with me?

How is it possible that I haven’t posted here in six months! What have I been doing, and what is wrong with me? And why haven’t I written a word on my latest novel in eighteen months?

First, I have had total writer’s block regarding that novel. My heroes are all sitting in their rooms staring at the walls, not doing a thing, so I have nothing to write about them. I nudge them, and they just look at me blankly, like, “You put us here, you get us out.” Oh, well, I’ll have to do more than nudge, I guess.

As you probably know, the other big thing is that I finally took my dream trip to Cambodia. I am still writing about it on my other blog. It was such a wonderful trip; I saw so much and did so much. Oh, how I would love to go back!

Instead, however, my friend and I booked our next trip – this time to the Czech Republic. So, the planner in me has been looking up all kinds of stuff about that area of the world, and I anticipate spending much more time over the next eight months researching even more. And, of course, organizing all those facts.

Other than that, not much new. I hope you had a good holiday season and that you, too, are looking forward to a new year full of adventure and happy news.