Friday, February 23, 2024

A Little Truth about God

          Cecil chuckled. “Sometimes it’s harder to do God’s work than anyone realizes.” He scrubbed a little bit on one of the pans he was washing. “What about you? You said you used to go to church, but not anymore. Why is that?”

Teresa shrugged. “I guess I just got busy. I also think that I got tired of all the rules that they gave us in church. I didn’t see the point.”

“If you want rules, try being a monk, or in your case, I suppose, a nun.” He turned the pan over in his hands, guessing that it would have to just be clean enough. “We have rules for everything—what time we get up, when we go to bed, when and how we pray, what we wear.” He lifted his brown tunic a few inches off the ground with both of his hands. “But I do believe that all those rules are to keep us close to God. I think each person needs to figure out what he needs to do to stay close to God.” (From the novel “The Truth Beyond the River”)

I can’t remember exactly what our pastor said during his sermon at this week’s Lenten service, but it reminded me of the lines above.

Sometimes we make Christianity way more complicated than it needs to be. That works for some people, but in general, most people want to keep it simple.

How simple is Christianity? Believe in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Know that God the Father is always there for you, that the Son died on the cross to take away your sins, and that the Holy Spirit will help you to keep your faith. Love God above all else and love others as you love yourself.  

For it is by God's grace that you have been saved through faith. It is not the result of your own efforts, but God's gift, so that no one can boast about it. (Ephesians 2:8-9, Good News Translation)

I started this blog years ago to keep track of my writing goals. Seeing as those goals have gone by the wayside, I’m mostly using this blog to unashamedly promote my books. I published “The Truth Beyond the River” several years ago, and it is still available on Click this link or you can always message me for a signed copy. Chris

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