Friday, November 3, 2023

November Goals and More Covers

I have been lax in posting any goals here. Probably because I have been so very lax in keeping any goals. I kind of gave up on any writing goals in September. Now that I’m retired, you would think I have all this time to write, but instead, I don’t know what I do all day, beside scroll through stupid Facebook or watch old reruns of “The Wonder Years” and “Cold Case” on TV.

Let me give it one more shot for this month. I know that some writers do the NaNoWriMo challenge (National Novel Writing Month, where you write an entire novel in the month of November), but let’s not go crazy here.

Let’s take baby steps:


1)     Finish editing my devotional/memoir about dealing with pain. The working title is “Bones and Stones and Pain, Oh My – a 40 day devotional for dealing with pain.”

2)     Finalize the cover for “Bones”.

3)     Get my son to work on formatting "Bones" with me.

4)     Reread what I have so far on the second novel in the “Ice Cream Spies” series, in anticipation of getting back to it as soon as “Bones” is finished.


1)     Promote one of my latest works once a week.

            2)   Promote the vendor sale on November 18.

            3)   Sew three book bags for the vendor sale on November 18.   

            4)   Hire someone to do some professional advertising of my books.


            1)  Start and finish reading two novels. (I’m in between right now.)  

            2)  Read four chapters in the Book of Acts for my Thursday Bible study.        


1)     Once a week do research on my trip to Cambodia for next fall. I know it seems a long way away, but I gotta keep chasing that dream.

2)     Once a week do one hour of research on the family tree.

3)     Host our annual Thanksgiving dinner. 

And that should do it. My back is doing much better, but I still have days where I am useless. I just gotta power through those times. I can do this!

And here are some possible book covers. Let me know which you think works. 


Cover #1

Cover #2 ( I do need to highlight the sub-title and my name though)

Cover #3 (the original one I liked the best)

Cover #4 (another one I already shared)

Cover #5 (final one I already shared) 

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