Sunday, October 15, 2017

taking some friend-time

Yesterday, I went out of town for the day and night with three of my former co-workers. We had such a blast! Just got back, which is why I am posting this so late. Needless to say, that cut into some of my time to work on goals, but hey, time with past friends is way more important than pretty much anything else, except maybe family. 

I still did okay. Here are my goals for the past week and as usual, green highlight is goal accomplished, yellow highlight is at least worked on and red print is a total failure.

1) Promote the new book, “Where the Sky Meets the Sand” five times.
a.     Contact Janke bookstore regarding doing a signing. Went and talked to them. Hmm? Let’s just leave it at, they said no.
b.     Start promoting the two signings I already have scheduled, finalize the third one. 1. Shared the flyer for the book signing on November 17 on all my social media 2. Finalized the signing on November 15. 3. Have been sharing a flyer of all three November dates I have signings.
c.      This might not really be about book promotion, but I think I want to come up with a spread sheet for sales. Done.
2) Write three thousand words on the new novel, which should be close to finishing it. 1,444 words, another chapter. Should only have three chapters or so left.
3) Tweak the poem on aging and submit it. Done.  
4) Post three times to my other blog, The Dino Chronicles. Only posted twice.  
5) Read four other blogs and comment on three of them. I think it was three and two.
6) Clean up and organize my emails. Nope, not so much. I just keep looking at those emails and going, huh?
7) Non-writing things to do:
a. Scan a dozen of my mom’s old pictures into the computer. Scanned 23 pictures.
b. Get one box of stuff out of that spare bedroom. Work on selling some of the stuff in that room. Nope, not so much.
c. Work on three things for the nonprofit, Tumaini Volunteers. I think the only thing I did was promote our two upcoming craft shows.

Next week:

1) Promote the new book, “Where the Sky Meets the Sand” five times. Right now I don’t have any thoughts, other than to keep promoting those book signings and researching other venues. I’ll see what else I can come up with.
2) Write three thousand words on the new novel.
3) Post three times to my other blog, The Dino Chronicles.
4) Read four other blogs and comment on three of them.
6) Clean up and organize my emails. I’ve always tried to keep my inbox less than 50, but it’s gotten out of hand the last few months. I need to put those emails I don’t want to lose into their own files for posterity.
7) Non-writing things to do:
a. Scan a dozen of my mom’s old pictures into the computer.
b. Get one box of stuff out of that spare bedroom. Work on selling some of the stuff in that room.
c. Work on three things for the nonprofit, Tumaini Volunteers.

 And that’s it folks!


  1. Nice progress this week! Time with friends is very important. Glad you had fun. And hugs on the bookstore saying no. :(

  2. Nurturing friendships is important, especially when life separates. It also seems to have nurtured you, since you made excellent progress this week!

    And Number 6 on your list? I thought I was the only one who did this!

  3. Looks like you made a good bit of progress for the week, and time with friends is definitely a good thing.

  4. Getting together with old friends is not only super important, but it's the kind of thing that makes the rest of the stress and "busy" worth doing--it's life affirming. So glad you had this chance, Chris.

    As for your goals... you recently reminded me about how there is a waxing and waning of progress, and you are so right! We don't always super-succeed any more than we perpetually wallow in failure just as long as we continually keep doing our best.

    And you are an awesome woman who continually does her best.
