Sunday, July 22, 2018

still with this cold

Well, last Sunday, I complained about the cold which I had for about three days prior to that. I blamed that virus on a lot of my lack of accomplishment. Can I use that excuse yet again? Coz I still have that cold hanging around, still coughing and blowing stuff out of my nose which I think was brought back on a lunar module. Argh. It’s got about two days left, then I don’t know what, coz I refuse to go on antibiotics. I know, I need to get my homeopathic or essential oils people all over this to cure me. But, really? This has gone on long enough. It’s time to just be done all on its own. I don’t know what has happened to my immune system. I never get sick. I mean NEVER. And this is my second cold in a year.  

In addition to all of that, Hubby and I went camping this past week. How much fun was that, do you suppose? Went through a half a box of Puffs. I worked on some stuff a few evenings in the camper, but in general, spent most of my time going argghh.

Ok, enough of that. Green highlight is goal accomplished, yellow highlight is goal at least worked on, red lettering is goal not even attempted.

1. Finish another edit of my novel, “The Truth Beyond the River.” Got through chapter 20, so I’m getting there.   
2. Continue tweaking my book proposal / query, as needed for each literary agent I intend to contact next. Nadda.   
3. Write nine chapters on my next novel, which I am giving the working title of “New Old Spies.”  Nadda again.
4. Write two inspirational pieces for the page-a-day calendar at my work.  Nadda.   
5. Write two posts per week for my other blog, “The Dino Chronicles”. I only posted one, but I didn’t have internet all week at the campground, so I think that’s a good excuse.    
1. Send proposals / queries to the next agents on my list.  Not yet. But I actually did spend some time yesterday researching agents. 
2. Submit the two inspirational pieces to my work calendar. Not yet.  
3. Promote myself or a piece of my writing (whether it be promoting one of my books, submitting a piece somewhere, saying something brilliant about my writing on my social media, etc.) once a week. The publisher of my novel, “Where the Sky Meets the Sky”, is offering it as a 99 cent e-book for the month of July, so I posted that on all my social media, for the second week in a row.

1. Read the daily assignment in “Today’s Light” Study Bible. Yes.
2. Read the daily devotion in “Jesus Calling”. Yes.
3. Read five other people’s blog posts per week. Wow, I am sorry, I don’t think I read any. That is really bad of me.
4. Finish reading three books. I read “A Boy from Bustina” and am still plowing my way through “Emma” by Jane Austen.      

1. Physical
a. Increase my water intake, averaging 60 ounces per day. With this cold, I have been drinking a lot..
b. Lose five pounds and three inches around my waist. Do I even have to make a note of this each week, coz it’s gonna be depressing.  
c. Exercise four mornings a week and three evenings a week. I think I did two mornings and two evenings.  
2. Home fires
a. Scan 100 of my mom’s pictures. None yet.
b. Wash all of my house’s windows.   Washed my bedroom windows. Really wanted to work on that yesterday, but it was so dreary out.    
c. Do a major cleaning of one of my closets. Not yet.   
d. Host my brother-in-law’s wedding at my house on August 4.   
3. Tumaini Volunteers
a. Write the Policy and Procedure manual. Not yet.
b. Host two merchandise sales. Not yet, but have one on August 4.
c. Do a thorough inventory of our current merchandise. Yes, yeah, finally!
d. Apply for grants. Not yet.
e. Raise enough money ($5,000) to start the first segment of the community center. What am I thinking with this goal???

This week and next, I somehow have to find the time to start getting my house and yard in shape for the wedding in two weeks. Oh, and also hem both my dress and the bride’s. What am I thinking? No wonder I have this cold from hell! Can you say, Chris, just take a break for once! That’s what last week, camping, was for, remember? Sure. Right. 
Here we are, heading off to go camping. 


  1. Yes, my friend you need to say "no" to something, but I know you are driven and I wish some of that would rub off on me, but a slug I remain (at least on week nights).

  2. You have an enormous number of things to do! When I put too many things on my "to do" calendar, I feel inadequate. What would happen on an empty day?

  3. Hope that cold soon vanishes and your progress with editing continues. I think it's amazing you've made any progress at all. Have your characters gotten sick as well???? Cute pic of you under the weather, dog and hubby smiling. We leave for vacation next week, but I'm thinking with temps in the 90s, it's going to be way too hot for camping. Sending hopes you will soon be well and get your energy back!
