Sunday, September 13, 2020

Jumped in and here I am

 As usual, I jumped into the past week with high hopes and dreams of unbound energy. And here we are, Sunday night, thinking I did okay, but surely could have done better.

Nothing much exciting happened all week. Just life – the day job, the house keeping, the family. We are all hanging in there, as best we can and taking it a day at a time.

Here's what I had hoped to get done this week and what I actually accomplished. Green highlight is goal accomplished, yellow highlight is worked on and red lettering is a failure.

            1) My novel, “The Truth Beyond the River.”
a. Post a blog about it once this week. No, did not.
b. Market it in some way. Not really, but almost. I spent most of the afternoon yesterday making a video about it. Will have to try posting that to the web this week.
2) My newest novel.
a. Come up with a better working title. End of discussion, just pick one. Ok, after much ruminating, I am calling my current WIP “Rewrite the Now.” Will maybe talk more about why another time.
b. Write three chapters. Wrote one and a half chapters for 2,105 words.
c. Do an evening of research for it. I watched an hour-long documentary on the Civil War. Learning more about the lead-up to the Civil War, it sure does sound like history is repeating itself.
3) Other writing.
a. Write an entry in my Covert Corona Chronicles. Yes, I did and actually used it as a third post to -
b. Write two posts on my other blog, “The Dino Chronicles”. Posted three times.
c. Do research into markets for some of my short stories. Hmm, I don’t think I did.
4) Other stuff.
a. Work on getting the kittens to be friends with our old cat. I think this is as good as it’s going to get. Maybe they will never be friends, but I don’t think the old cat will kill them.
b. Work on one of my several quilt projects. I got one of them out, didn’t do much with it, but it’s out, staring at me, waiting for me to attack it.
The Old Cat thinking "you've got to be kidding"
As close as Old Cat, Dino and one of the kittens are going to get. 
 Not much going on that I can think of in the upcoming week. I guess that’s okay. I just need to stay on track. Oh, and one more thing - I hate, hate, hate that blogger is changing their site. Why are they all doing that? Leave stuff alone. Who needs any additional changes right now. 

Okay, moving along to next week. 

          1) My novel, “The Truth Beyond the River.”
a. Post a blog about it once this week.
b. Post that video I made on YouTube.   
2) My WIP, the novel, “Rewrite the Now”.
a. Write three chapters.
b. Do an evening of research for it.
3) Other writing.
a. Write an entry in my Covert Corona Chronicles.
b. Write two posts on my other blog, “The Dino Chronicles”.
c. Do research into markets for some of my short stories.
4) Other stuff.
a. Work on my family tree. It’s been a while.  
b. Work on one of my several quilt projects.

Hope you are enjoying the fall weather. And praying that you are safe, wherever you are.

Have a great week.  Chris


  1. It does look like a pretty good week for you.

    1. Thanks. As usual, could have been better but could have been way worse too!

  2. Old cats tend not to accept new friends unless they've been used to do so on a regular basis, so I'd say you did a nice job since they can stand being in the same room!

    I hope life gets a bit cooler for you soon. ^^

    1. Old Cat, the two kittens and the dog all just spent the entire evening together. Lots of hissing going on, but no injuries!
