Wednesday, July 4, 2012

How did I spend another holiday?

Except for the family holidays like Christmas and Thanksgiving, where you really are obligated to spend some time with the family, I greet many holidays as a day off of work, which means a day to get in some extra writing time. I mean, really, what else is a person to do on Memorial Day, Labor Day and the Fourth of July? I wake up on those days, say "yes I don't have to go to work" and jump on the laptop. Well, or I try to.

Today I had a two hour commitment to Kinship, which is an organization here in town which matches disadvantaged kids with mentors to give the kids extra one-on-one time with a caring responsible adult. So I helped out at a Kinship fundraiser, visited with a few people, took some pictures. It was an ok time.

Then I bought fourteen dollars worth of junk food from other fundraisers in town and headed home to the hubby who had been mowing the lawn when the temperature was pushing 90 and the humidity was 95%. Did I tell you that it was warm where I was at too?

ROW80 progress: I did get in two hours of writing - actually I'm rereading and doing minor editing on my book, getting back up to speed before adding to it. I had written up to Chapter 17 on the really rough draft and in the past week have reviewed up to Chapter 7. As far as my other goals, I think I am on track. More figures will be coming out on Sunday.

Hope you had a safe and productive Holiday.


  1. Hi Chris, it's nice to meet you. I'm just visiting from ROW80 to see how you're doing and it's good to hear you're getting writing done. It sounds like you have a very demanding career to contend with!

    Your blog is very pretty. Keep up the great work as you are able. I really love the realistic goal setting of ROW80. You can only push yourself so far, you need to take care of yourself and lives don't stop when we want to get other things done. (Pity that.)

    Best wishes!

    1. Thanks for the comment, Cate. Comments on the blog, more so than the plain stats, always make me feel like someone is actually reading what I ramble about.

  2. writing daily, even for a few hours is a regular part of my mental hygiene. I always get nervous if I can't get the ideas out of my head, before they pile up inside and then explode.

    1. DorChi, I know the feeling about thinking you will explode. I have so many stories inside of me. When I started my current WIP it had come to me in a dream which woke me at one am. I had to get up and start writing it right then.
