Sunday, November 4, 2012

What did I accomplish this week?

My book 

Friday night I e-mailed the first round of edits to my publisher. I didn't accomplish any of my earlier proposed goals, but I did work on promoting it. My publisher put a plug for my book on their facebook page, which I reposted to mine and it went viral - or at least, over 40 people liked it and a whole bunch commented on it. Three people shared it, even though one of those is my husband and I went on his facebook account and shared it for him. An author has to do what she has to do.

And also, as you can see, my publisher sent me what the cover is going to look like. It didn't take too long for me to approve it!


This week I:
- posted to my other blog twice. That Thursday post seems to be elusive lately, I need to work on that. 2 points
- worked on my social networks twice. 2 points
- commented on three other blogs. 1 point
- marketed my book. 1 point
- worked on those edits for my book for six hours. 6 points
For a grand total of 12 points out of 18.


I wrote 773 words on my novel. I knew that I would get a slow start on NaNoWriMo so I am not sweating it too much. This week, with my book sitting on my editor's desk, I am going to charge into this latest project.


  1. I can't believe I haven't popped by before. (FYI, I subscribed today. Though I don't have a lot of time for reading blogs, I hope to connect with you every now and then.)

    Congrats on the book. It looks great.

    All the best with NaNoWriMo.


    1. Thank you for the comment and the encouragement. I try to keep my blog posts short for those who are pressed for time. Oh, yeah, I am pressed for time too. That's right.

  2. So I'm kind of a book cover geek, I even did a series on it pleading for whoever selfpubs to hire a professional. Anyway, I think your book cover is fantastic. Really communicates the title well. I like that the clouds are dark, yet there's light behind them, as though to say you may see dark clouds, but hold on, the light is coming. Really well designed. I'm sure you're more than pleased with it! :D

    1. Jae, thanks so much for liking the cover. The lone tree also says a lot about the story. You'll have to read it to find out why!
