Sunday, December 17, 2017

Time for Christmas

If you read last Sunday’s post, you realize how busy I was this past week. Looking over the list below, I can’t even remember how much of this I did or tried to do. I’m tempted to not even both posting it, but here goes.

Green highlights mean I fully achieved what I set out to do, yellow highlights mean I at least attempted it, red letters mean I didn’t even attempt.   

1) Promote the new book, “Where the Sky Meets the Sand” two times. Gonna start out with this first goal by saying I don’t remember.  
2) Promote my two Christmas devotionals two times. Shared both of them on my social media once.
3) Write 2,000 words on the new WIP, “Now For Something Totally Different”. Did not think I would even get a chance to look at this all week, but yesterday morning, before leaving for the craft show, I pounded out another chapter, some 1,200 words.
4) Post three times to my other blog, The Dino Chronicles. Yup, finally some green.
5) Read five other blogs and comment on three of them. I know I did some, but can’t remember how many and forgot to write it down.
6) Non-writing things to do:
a.  Bake a couple batches of Christmas cookies. Baked two batches, only one of which turned out.
b. Scan a dozen old pictures into the computer. Again, I can’t remember how many and didn’t write it down right away, but I think it was only around 7 or 8.
c. Update that second email account for the state. Nope.
d. Do five things for the nonprofit, Tumaini Volunteers.
                        1] Work at the event at Basils Monday.    
                        2] Promote the sale on the 16th.
                        3] Work at the sale on the 16th.  
                        4] Make up an agenda for the meeting on the 17th.
                        5] Set up a new Schwans Cares Campaign.

I also did not finish decorating my tree. The lights are on along with six ornaments. I think my only goals for the coming week are going to be to finish that along with:

1)    Bake some more cookies.
2)    Finish Christmas shopping.
3)    Wrap presents.
4)    Go to my cousin’s Christmas party on Saturday.

And that is it. Not going to put anything else on my list until after Christmas. And with that thought in mind, I don’t think I’ll be posting next Sunday (Christmas Eve).

Hope that all of your plans and preparations come together. Be safe. And take time to rest and reflect on your goals and your life and the things that really matter. And  have a very Merry Christmas.
Christmas morning, my sister Pat and I, circa 1967


  1. Taking time off to celebrate holidays and to rejuvenate is a good thing, especially when you have so much going on, Chris. Be good to yourself. You are making progress. And slow and steady not only gets you to the finish line just as well as racing through, but it allows you to enjoy the scenery along the way too.

  2. Look at all that green and yellow! You did great!

    Merry Christmas to you too!
